Our desk situation has recently changed, which you may have noticed in this post.
We were previously using a vanity-with-a-story as a desk. It was left in a historic home that my mother lived in when she was a child so it’s been in the family since. We removed the mirror to make it more desk-like but it wasn’t cutting it in the comfort department.
Rather than wait for the perfect sized desk to come along, I improvised with track-shelving for a cost-effective solution. I used 47-inch twin tracks along with 1″ x 8″ pine shelves. The bottom desk portion is simply two 1″ x 8″ shelves attached together with two flat brackets.
Track-shelving isn’t the most attractive shelving but it is very adaptable. Since living here, this living room and transformed countless times. The couch was once against the back window, replaced shortly by the vanity-desk, the vanity was then moved to where our bed currently is, and finally there was also the dresser turned TV stand switch. Point being, this room changes a lot, so I need a shelving unit that can easily change with it.
After these pictures, I applied a paste wax to the untreated pine for protection and to prevent yellowing. It didn’t change the appearance of the shelves much (which I’m okay with), and it was much easier than applying three coats of poly like I did with the bathroom shelves.
Are you a fan of exposed track-shelving or would you rather keep them hidden away behind closet doors?