After almost a year of consideration, we’re moving forward with buying the house we are currently renting. We’re also enclosing our screen porch to enlarge our living room – which is also our bedroom – and adding a storage shed in our backyard.
We discussed going all in and adding a third bedroom and a second bathroom but it just wasn’t feasible. As much as I would love our own bedroom with a door that closed and locked, it just wasn’t worth all of the stress it would cause. It was fun while the idea lasted, though. We brainstormed ideas, sketched plans and went over previous plans. I had fun pinning beautiful bathrooms on Pinterest and began dreaming of having our very own closet.
But I regress. We are pretty darn excited about what is being added. It might not seem like much but we’ll have more elbow room in our main living area now – and that is pretty great. We’ll also own our home! Which means we can move forward (eventually, maybe) with turning our home into the way we want it. I’m looking at you, kitchen.
For now, enclosing the porch comes with all sorts of fun decisions like picking out a front door, flooring, and a new exterior paint color. That fun word was only partially sarcastic. Looking at all the options is so exciting but the actual decision part nearly kills me. Not to mention the fact that shopping for a door turns out to be pretty stressful. Who knew!?
So since we’ll be diving head first into living through construction any day now, do you have any tips to share?