Kitchen Remodel: Before

We’ve been making headway with our kitchen remodel and are quickly approaching the chaos that is sure to come with a large remodel project. Our cabinets have been delivered, the sink and faucet are on the way, and I’m losing plenty of sleep while contemplating all of the lighting options. While I am attempting to orchestrate the various details, some huge improvements have been made in our kitchen. This is where the kitchen when we moved in, the official “before” photo.

kitchen remodel remove soffit and wall

Shortly after closing, thinking that our kitchen remodel would happen in the near future, I lost all self control and removed the faux-copper backsplash. It didn’t improve the aesthetic of the kitchen but it did reveal and remove a pest haven – just, ew. We also moved the refrigerator to an adjacent wall, knowing that would be where it would ultimately stay. After discovering our slab leak, this is how the kitchen stayed for well over a year once the remodel was postponed.

kitchen remodel remove soffit and wall

I affectionately called this room the household cave. It was dark and generally a difficult space to be in. Storage was lacking and there was barely any counter space. Did I mention it was dark? We knew we wanted to remodel the kitchen as soon as possible, but I remained doubtful until the actual wall-breaking day approached, since I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

kitchen remodel remove wall

The first order of business that we were eager to check off our to-do list was knocking down the light-blocking (non-load bearing) wall. Removing the wall opens up the kitchen to the entry way/dining room and allows so much natural light to flood into the kitchen. After having an electrician move the wires for the oven and install new ceiling lights, we continued with demolition by removing the upper cabinets and soffits.

kitchen remodel remove wall

This is where we stand now. Storage is worse off than it was before, but only for a short time. We are in dire need of drywall and terrazzo repair, which we’ll get to after the plumbers and electricians reroute what was once in the old soffits. Meanwhile, I’ve been picking away at that old wallpaper and day dreaming of how the space will look once we are done. Before we can move forward and call the electricians out, there are some important final decisions I need to make, like whether I should put a pendant light or a sconce over the kitchen sink (still waffling on that one!) and where exactly to place the island pendants.

Kitchen soffit and wall removal

We were hoping to finish before Christmas but that deadline is inching closer without a huge amount of progress being made, so we’ll see how it works out. In the meantime we are enjoying our semi-demolished, naturally lit kitchen.

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  1. That light! Just wow. You’ve totally made the right choice getting rid of that wall. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

    1. For real, removing that wall was the best decision I made all year!

  2. Hayden says: Reply

    You have made such great progress so far! It may seem daunting, but you’ll get there before you know it and it’ll be a dream kitchen!

    1. Yes, I’m so excited!

  3. Kala says: Reply

    It’s going to be so nice when it’s finished and worth all the hassle! All of our projects take way longer than expected. When I was just painting our kitchen cabinets we lived with all the stuff that was normally in them in the living room for WEEKS! But in the end, worth it!

    1. That sounds so similar to how we’re currently living. I’m glad to hear it was worth it in the end for you!

  4. So exciting! Kitchen renovations are my favorite. Can’t wait to see how yours turns out!

  5. Wow. just a small change makes it look so much bigger! I look forward to following along with your progress!

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