Today is a big turning point for our kitchen remodel. We’ll be taking out the remaining cabinets, finishing up the initial electrical work, and preparing our home for the terrazzo floor to be refinished. I’ll be saying goodbye to our functioning kitchen sink and quite possibly my sanity. But! It’s the step in the right […]
Kitchen Lighting
We have officially begun our kitchen remodel by removing a useless wall last weekend. I can’t wait to share the big change with you but first I wanted to talk about lighting, which has proven to be a difficult design decision to settle on. source To get an idea of the space we’re lighting up, […]
The Backyard Shed: Inspiration
With so many items on our Home To-Do list, it’s been hard to settle on a big project. We first had our sights set on our kitchen which was quickly halted. We then turned our vision to the living room and beige bathroom but that was held up due to my broken foot. Now, as […]
Open Shelves in the Kitchen
Our kitchen renovation is still on stand-by until further notice due to The Great Slab Leak of 2016 and the broken foot that followed shortly thereafter but that won’t stop me from pinning inspiration and working out all of the details of our maybe-one-day kitchen in my head. Two friends of mine are hanging shelves in […]
Dreaming of a White Kitchen
We’ll be cooking a big Thanksgiving turkey tomorrow in our kitchen and will most likely be even more eager to begin renovations afterwards. I’ll be back another day with before photos and the majority of our plans however, today is a day for pretty pictures full of inspiration. We started out dreaming of white cabinets […]
Hooray for Fridays!
I had intended on sharing Isabelle’s flamingo party this week but things don’t always go according to plan, so I’ll substitute that post with this random one. Next week kicks off Thanksgiving week and we’re pretty excited. We’ll be sous vide-ing the turkey this year, instead of our typical untraditional method. Philip is excited to […]
Inspiration: Shelves
While our new home boasts a lot of space (for us!), it’s seriously lacking in functionality. Out of necessity, I had put up shelves in multiple places in our old house; the bathroom and the living room shelves were used daily, and the toy shelves in the girls’ room were super handy. Now that we […]
Paint Decisions
Choosing paint colors was on the top of my priority list for our new place, so as soon as we moved in, I got straight to work painting multiple samples on every wall. After weeks of deliberating (this one is too beige, but this one is too blue!), we settled on two paint colors for our […]
One Corner Down, Twenty More To Go
We’ve been living at our new house for over two months and the majority of our belongings are still in boxes. There are sealed moving boxes in just about every room in the house and even more are being stored in my mother’s garage (thanks, mom!). Despite the state of the rest of the house, […]
Modern Library with Kalaty Rugs
This post brought to you by Kalaty Rug Corp. All imaginary libraries and rug dreams are my own. An area rug can make or break a home’s design; and the right rug can drastically change the feeling of a room – trust me, I know. So when Kalaty contacted me about their handcrafted rugs, I was all ears. Their […]