Hey, I made it to a thrift store last month! Can you believe it? I’ve even been to one this month, but I’ve been pretty picky with what I’ll actually buy. I blame this crazy nesting, clean-all-the-things phase I’m going through. One thing I didn’t hesitate to bring home were these vintage Jell-O molds. I […]
Thrift Store Finds
Vintage Cabinet, Termites Included

Two Octobers ago I came across a vintage cabinet-like piece of furniture at a thrift store. I think it was less than $10 and it was pretty awesome. Soon after bringing home, we spotted some signs of termite damage. There was also obvious water damage. I inspected it thoroughly, even to the point of digging […]
November & December Thrift Store Finds

There hasn’t been much happening in the thrift store department as of late. Pregnancy has pushed me into a sincere decluttering mode and the busyness of life has left little time to spend thrift shopping. However, I have carved out some time for thrift stores these past two months. Here’s what I managed to drag […]
October Thrift Store Finds

I found one thrift store item in October which wasn’t even from a thrift store. Technically, it doesn’t count as a thrift store find but we’ll just go with it anyway. Due to things like pregnancy, exhaustion, and the urge to declutter, I haven’t been going to many thrift stores lately. I found this vintage Twister […]
Hanging Produce Basket

Remember the jelly mold I found at the thrift store? Well, I think it’s better for holding fruits and vegetables than for forming food. This DIY is ridiculously easy. All it takes is some paracord, a drill gun, and metal ring and of course, a jelly mold. Click here to visit Live Simply for the […]
September Thrift Store Finds

There wasn’t much thrift store shopping for me in September. Half of the goods I found were from an estate sale. The children are getting more and more difficult to keep track of in thrift stores – so many nooks to hide in! – and I’ve been opting to bring home less stuff. Anyway, here’s what […]
August Thrift Store Finds

Ready for another round of thrift store finds? I thought so. I didn’t find much in August but what I did find was pretty great. For instance, August’s books are equal to July’s books in greatness. Check out that Boy Scout book! It is filled with so many great tips like lashing, Morse code signaling, […]
July Thrift Store Finds

Look at me, being all timely and what not. It was only two weeks ago that I shared June’s Thrift Store Finds but I’m back already. You all either must be really interested in what I hoard thrift or are completely sick of it. If you are, in fact, sick of thrift store finds, let […]
Displaying a Rock Collection

My son is a collector. When he was younger, we would find piles – and I mean piles – of acorns stashed under his bed, in his dresser drawers and his pockets. Those eventually led to piles of mulch, then teeny tiny pebbles. In time, we explained to him that hey, some things just belong […]
June Thrift Store Finds

I’m ridiculously late sharing my thrift store finds from last month. Can we just blame it on joy filled days like this? Mostly every time I enter a thrift store, I head straight towards the book section. Sometimes I don’t even bother looking at anything else. I only have eyes for books. My son has […]