Look at me, being all timely and what not. It was only two weeks ago that I shared June’s Thrift Store Finds but I’m back already. You all either must be really interested in what I hoard thrift or are completely sick of it.
If you are, in fact, sick of thrift store finds, let me change your mind with this wooden pig.

Your mind just did a 180, didn’t it?! This pig set me back 50 cents and is uh-mazing.
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already gotten the memo that I am newly obsessed with vintage puzzles. After completely this one, I picked up two more. The latter two weren’t as “vintage” but one was of Mount St. Helen’s before the eruption – so that counts for something, right?

I think July’s book scores are some of my favorite to date.

I bought the four books on the left (excluding the small paperback) during a buy one get one sale, so they were only 50 cents. The two books on the left were a bit more – as in $3 – but that was a great deal for an old printing of Pinocchio.

Along with my son’s oil painting print, this watercolor ship found its way into our home. Eventually, I’d like to replace some of the smaller frames on our gallery wall with large frames containing real-ish art. This ship is the first piece to be collected for that cause.

So tell me, what have you been thrifting lately? Any ridiculously good deals that almost made you feel like a thief? Only to be followed by spending maybe a bit too much on something else? It all evens out at some point, doesn’t it?