I found a lot of note-worthy things in the month of November, both at thrift stores and garage sales. Today I’ll be sharing what I found at thrift stores – since you know, this is titled thrift store finds – and will be back next week to share all the garage sale scores.
I added a hefty amount to our book collection last month and we’ve been putting them to good use. Nani’s favorite seems to be My Box and String – which has already been torn to pieces and taped back together – and Are You My Mother? Some I actually haven’t even read, like A Kid’s Guide to Making Friends, Pinocchio and The Real Mother Goose (which is the third edition I’ve brought home – I just can’t resist!)

I also managed to buy some non-children books. The Wildflowers book is pretty to flip through and that book that resembles Sunday comics is actually titled Brave New World and consists of a lengthy description about men who own freezers and other humorous things.

I’ve added this twin sheet to my collected of now two vintage sheets. How cute is that pattern?!

This vintage striped tablecloth has already been put to use at one picnic and is patiently awaiting to attend more.

The same day I snagged the above linens I also left with these copper-like measuring cups and old measuring spoons.

I somehow always manage to break my plastic measuring cups and spoons so these are a nice alternative to their predecessors.

That day, I left this shelf behind only to return the next weekend to retrieve it. I’m indecisive about whether I want to paint it white or leave it be but I do know it will be used to house Elijah’s ever growing rock collection. Because every rock deserves its own shelf, right?

Now completely unrelated to rocks, I spotted this Aladdin thermos at a usually picked-dry thrift store which I’m hoping to find a new home on my Etsy shop.

Lastly, this vintage horse somehow found its way to my car – I have no idea how!

And then this happened and I melted into one big pile of slop on the floor. How did this girl get so sweet?

The paper on the horse is peeling away – and complete gone in some areas – so I am considering sealing it with some spray acrylic to prevent any additional ware.

Stay tuned next week for what else I found in November but until then tell me; what have you been thrifting lately?
To see other thrift stores finds, click here and to see what I find when I find it, follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
This is fantastic! I need to start checking out some of the non-chain thrift stores around my house.
In my opinion, the smaller – and more cluttered – the thrift store the better!