This is a sponsored post by hello™ but don’t worry because all of the opinions here are my own.
Medicine cabinets are oh so boring, aren’t they? Last time I hesitantly showed you mine, it looked like this.
After seven months its condition had descended. Not so bad, but not so good either. Like I said, medicine cabinets are boring.
Not to mention, that medicine cabinet door wasn’t looking very attractive. So one day, while I was bored of my boring medicine cabinet, I decided I was going to paint the inside of the door.
Conveniently for me, I had received a free paint sample from Lowes with a coupon I found in a magazine. A couple of months after hoarding it in my paint stash, I put it to use. Notice how I didn’t say that I put it to good use. Do your eyes hurt yet?
Although it gave us all a good laugh, it had to go. I literally felt like I was being blinded each time I opened the medicine cabinet. Not good. Of course I could have always toned it down by mixing in some white paint, but instead of risking it, I turned to my trusty chalkboard paint.
Ahh, much better, don’t you think?
I haven’t written anything on it yet. Honestly, I couldn’t think of anything to write that wasn’t completely cheesy, so I let it be. Words or not, it’s still more exciting than it was before.
I also gave the contents of the medicine cabinet a nice sprucing up. You know, getting rid of things I never use and wiping down the shelves. It’s pretty self explanatory, isn’t it?
I also replaced our toothpaste and toothbrushes with a new product named hello. The nice folks over there sent me these products and I couldn’t not share it with you. Double negative, I know.
I also know dental hygiene products aren’t very exciting (unless you’re a toddler), but I can vouch that their toothpaste and mouthwash is amazing. You guys, I am not a fan of mojito’s but that stuff in mouthwash form is pretty tasty. Don’t worry, I spit it out. However, keep me away from the pink grapefruit or I may end up swallowing it voluntarily.
But back to the cabinet door, I’m happy with how it turned out and am happy I was able to move past my blinding coral mistake. I did prime the door using Kilz before I painted so it should hold up pretty well. Now if I could only think of something to write on that dang chalkboard paint… What would you write on it? Also, am I the only one who gets excited about toothpaste? C’mon, there has to be someone else out there.