A couple of days ago, I said goodbye to our sweater rug. I did love the rug, but something wasn’t settling right with me. What mostly bothered me was the way the brownish undertones clashed with the blueish-black of our couch. It drove me crazy. Seriously though, since when has there been one hundred shades of a neutral color?! Who knew!
So I was dealing with it; after all, the rug looked great with the tweed chair and thrifted dresser. Then I saw this paddle rug on Rugs USA and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Strange enough, I didn’t even notice it my first time window shopping.

I decided the only way I could buy it was if I sold our sweater rug. Thankfully, after less than a week on Craigslist it was out of our house and into the hands of a new owner. That night I placed the order for our soon-to-be new rug and it is expected to arrive on Friday.
Until then, our floors are going bare. I am slightly nervous that the new black rug will still clash with our couch but I had to take the risk. If it does, I could always consider purchasing a new Karlstad slipcover.
On a side note: I’m doing everything I can to NOT kill that fiddle leaf fig. It was a $5 orphan in the clearance section at Walmart. I put it in my cart immediately, worried that someone would jump out of nowhere to grab it, and never looked back. Oh, and those mid-century legs are obviously still not refinished. One day, little legs… one day.