Praise God! The construction phase of our home renovation is officially done. Alright, it has been for about a month now. The front yard is still sporting piles of leftover dirt, we still have some painting that needs to be done and there is no art on the walls but let’s focus on all the good parts right now, like all of this space!
It may be hard to tell in photos, but here is where we were a couple of months ago. This picture (below) is from a similar viewpoint as the above picture (the above one is just slightly pulled back a bit). Basically, the mid-century dresser that is holding our TV would have been outside of our front door had it been in the same position two months ago. Crazy, isn’t it? There is just so much elbow room!
Construction was done ridiculously fast. Since we were moving at such a fast pace, there weren’t a lot of time for decisions. (For the record, I’m horrible at making fast decisions.) Things like a front door, flooring, exterior paint color, house number style, and ceiling fans were all I spoke about for two or so weeks. So although it was extremely stressful while we were living through it, we are thankful that we didn’t have to live through it for long. And! We’re pretty happy with how everything came out.
I definitely need some time to decompress (these past few months have been non-stop) but am excited to continue to work on turning our house into a home – it’s actually our’s now, we’re officially home owners! – once I’m feeling more up to it. I’m looking forward to making slow decisions on things like art, window treatments, and any furniture we may add. For now, I plan on soaking in all this extra room and relaxing a bit.