So, it’s the new year and this is about the time that things start going back to normal. Although that may be the case, I feel no where near back to “normal”. Have I mentioned things have been chaotic lately? Pregnancy brain has been brought to a whole new level with this pregnancy, which makes accomplishing what needs to be done (you know, things like laundry, writing decent blog posts, and homeschooling) that much more difficult.

On the subject of chaotic, our eldest daughter had a run in with a bookcase on New Years Eve. At first we thought her nose was bleeding, then we quickly realized it was something much more serious. We were heading out the door for ice cream when it happened, so our plans changed to something more emergency room related. Thankfully, we had a decent trip to the ER (as decent as one can get); there was no wait and the doctor did an excellent job at lining up her lip with stitches.

We just had them removed yesterday and Eliana is ecstatic. Now she can resume dressing herself and brushing her teeth “all by herself”. Needless to say, we’re all pretty glad that is behind us now and are looking forward to things getting back to normal. That is, until our normal changes from a family of five to a family of six.