Have you ever eaten frozen pineapple pieces? If you have, I am sure you know they are amazing. So when my dad came to town and requested homemade orange pineapple ice cream, I had no problem jumping on board. I did have a problem hunting down a recipe, though. All the recipes that I saw […]
Rhubarb Ice Cream

It’s been a little while since I’ve shared an ice cream recipe, but rest assured, I have a recipe that is sure to please. Now listen, I’ve never tried rhubarb before this, but it was sitting so pretty in the produce aisle I just couldn’t not pick it up. I know, double negative, give me […]
Chocolate Cayenne Ice Cream – Queen City Cayenne

Queen City Cayenne is the name of Jeni Britton Bauer’s chocolate ice cream with a kick of cayenne pepper. I’ve already told you why I love making her ice cream and shared with you a berry crisp ice cream recipe from her book, and now I am here with another. This twist on chocolate ice […]
Berry Crisp Ice Cream – Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream at Home

I’ve already told you about Jeni Britton Bauer’s way of making ice cream using corn syrup, tapioca starch, and cream cheese and now I am back to share with you an excellent recipe from her book. I am borderline obsessed with this berry crisp ice cream. Brambleberries (or cherries) swirled together with a crisp streusel (made with […]
Making Ice Cream – Jeni’s Way

There is a new way to make ice cream wandering around the block. Well, it’s not technically new but it is new to me. Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream can take the credit for this new technique. Now, what I am about to tell you might be surprising. You may want to take a seat in […]
Fusilli with Kale, Sausage and Cherry Tomatoes

I don’t know why but I always pronounce fusilli as fusillini. Where on earth did I find that “n”? I have also been known to pronounce comforter as “comfterble”… yes, like comfortable, and anonymous as “anomynous”. Don’t ask… I blame my parents. Mom, Dad, it’s okay, at least I know my ABC’s and 123’s. Okay, […]
Guava Ice Cream – Using Fresh Guavas

Last week while strolling through the produce store, I found these guavas. I had heard of these exotic fruits from the frozen guava and cheese pastries but I had never seen a whole one before. I was mesmerized so I brought home a pound of them. Of course once I saw them I had already […]
Bittersweet Chunk Brownies

My new craze? Bittersweet chocolate. I just cannot get enough of this stuff. I have never been a fan of dark chocolate but this has a hint of sweetness that makes it better than its standard dark chocolate counterpart. So when I had four (yes, I said four) bars of the stuff in my pantry, […]
Baked Croissant French Toast

French toast has got to be one of my favorite breakfast dishes. The problem is I am horrible at making it. I blame my mother, her and I just didn’t inherent the french toast making genes. My grandma on the other hand knows what she’s doing. My childhood memories are filled with images of waking […]
Mint Chocolate Swirl Ice Cream

I feel a little weird writing a post about mint chocolate ice cream due to the fact that I cannot stand the stuff. This isn’t a weird once a month aversion, this is an every day any time get that crap away from me before you regret it. I know… I must be the only person […]