Wherefore art thou pretty paper? Well, not at Jo-Ann Fabrics or Michael’s, that is for sure.
I long for pretty scrapbook paper. There is so many cute things to do with some pretty paper. Time and time again I would go to Jo-Ann’s or Michael’s, and without fail, time and time again, I would leave disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, they have a fine selection, but nothing that I felt was outstanding.
I Googled “scrapbook” with my area code and low and behold, there is a local scrapbooking shop where I live called Whim So Doodle. It happened to be where we were heading last night, so I sort of begged Philip to drop me off for ten minutes to find something I loved. And I did!
Seriously, I left grinning from ear to ear. I never though paper could make me so giddy. I only picked up three, but I could have easily picked out 50. Wow, what would I do with 50 pieces of decorative paper? I’m sure I could figure it out, I am definitely feeling inspired. I love each one individually, but I really like these two together. What do you think?
They were only $1 and with tax I paid $3.21, which is awesome and I think only a penny more than Jo-Ann’s or Michael’s, but the paper is a much better quality. I better use these up quickly so I have an excuse to go back for more!