August Thrift Store Finds

August was good in terms of thrifting. I actually had the time to dig through one store’s bins of what seemed like junk. Because I only had miss Isabelle in tow during this particular trip, I was able to find some pretty cool things.

In those seemingly junk bins, I uncovered a little baggie full of old thread wrapped around old wooden spools for $1.50. Oh man.
I also found a sweet little tin box to call my own. The sides are in much better condition than the top. I have a thing for anything old and boxy. Or container-ishy. Yes, that is word. No, it’s not in any dictionary.
Along with the spools and tin box I found a nice stash of Scrabble racks. I actually don’t plan on playing any word-related games with them, instead I’m thinking of using them as book ledges… something like this. For any locals, I left at least five racks behind, in case you’d like to snatch some up yourself.
I spotted this vintage Barbie-like doll and bought it for Eliana.
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I’ve been on the fence about getting her any Barbie dolls but I figured, I played with them as a wee lady and turned out decent… kind of. She’s definitely a fan.
1-eliana doll
After some research, I found this isn’t actually a Barbie but a Mini-Mod Doll. I can’t find any pictures of one with a dark complexion and dark hair, but I found similar looking dolls (same eyes, markings, etc.). The only marking on her is “Hong Kong”.
I also found something so extremely awesome at this particular shop that it has to wait for next month. I bought it as a gift and don’t want to spoil the surprise. I know, I know… the anticipation is killing me, too.
Moving on… I scored this lovely picnic basket for only $4 at a thrift store I’ve only been in once before. I almost couldn’t contain my excitement.
A friend of mine has a collection of these sitting above her beautiful kitchen cabinets to store things that aren’t frequently used. I fell in love with the idea and have been searching for one ever since.
Patience pays off, I tell ya. God is good!
At my new favorite thrift store (yes, I pick favorites), I found this vintage travel case for $4, complete with a strong make-up odor.
(Please excuse the less-than-great pictures.)
I bought this Chinese Checkers game for $1.50 which is now hanging in the children’s room along with the rest of their gallery wall. For a game with missing pieces $1.50 is a bit high, but re-purposed as a piece of art and it is pretty cheap.
17-chinese checkers
On a separate occasion, actually just last weekend, I spotted this run down beauty and walked out with it only $8 short.
I’m not completely smitten with the brown metal legs, but I don’t have good experiences spray painting things with so many nooks and crannies (I’m looking at you, highchair), so it will be staying that color.
The wood top, however, will be getting a facelift… there’s no denying that it needs one.
I’d like to paint it, but I need to find something that won’t look horrible with brown and something less safe than white, maybe mint? I already have a shade in mind, it’s just a matter of taking the leap.
Lastly, I picked up this piece of fabric for a quarter. I’m imagining a sweet baby hairbow or maybe I’ll sow some pants for Eliana’s new doll. She’s a little underdressed, don’t you think?
Have you found anything recently that made you want to jump up and down? I may or may not have yelped a few times last month. Yelping is cool, right!?
P.S. To see more thrift store finds, go here! To see sneak peeks of what I find during the month, follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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