Our favorite place to go when we start to feel the gardening itch is a local nursery. We purchase our flowers, vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, and indoor plants from Willow Tree Nursery.

Are you familiar with the gardening itch? Since we’ve lived in this house, it’s happened to me pretty consistently with the onset of spring. It takes a little bit more than an itch to get me motivated, though; so by summer I usually have at least one garden planted.

Being naive to garden pests, the first year failed. The second season, we had more collard greens than we knew what to do with. The third year started out great but failed due to neglect. This year, though; this year I am determined to make it work. Garden pests, beware!

In all honesty, I think we like walking around the nursery and buying various plants than actually planting said plants and caring for them. Can you blame us, though? Everything is just so pretty to look at.

Naturally I convince myself that I really can try to keep something so pretty alive and BAM, two weeks later it’s dead. Thank God children are much easier to care for.